Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Autumn Equinox and Mabon Blessings

The Autumn Equinox began officially last night and also the
Full Moon for September. What a wonderful magical couple of days
full of bright, full, balanced, and thankful energy.

The full moon is a time for releasing as well as completion of
goals made on the new moon. What do you need to release and
let go from the Summer season for this new season of Autumn?
What goals and projects have you completed? What goals and
projects do you still wish to work on and complete this Fall?

The Autumn Equinox also marks the pagan Thanksgiving of
Mabon. A time to reflect on what one has harvested this year
with gratitude and a celebratory feast and ritual.

You can also simply cook or bake something fresh from the
harvested fruits and vegetables of the Fall season and enjoy
the tastes and scents of the harvest. Light a candle and say a
blessing over your food and reflect on gratitude for the earth
and the Goddess for your meal.

This is also a great time to reflect on all that you are thankful
for this year and all that you have harvested. You can also write
letters of gratitude to those in your life who have helped and supported

The equinoxes are also a time to reflect on balance with the day
filled with equal light and dark. How are you in balance right now?
What balance do you need more of and how can you create that in
your life right now?

Autumn is a beautiful season to connect with the changing colors
of nature and the wonderful harvests of fruits and vegetables.
The days begin to grow darker each day and we can slow down
and go more within during this introspective time of year.
It is a great time to start new projects and goals as well as learning
new things in the back to school spirit. It is also a very creative season
so let your creativity be expressed and get inspired. Think about what
ways you would like to celebrate this Fall season.

Abundant Autumn and Mabon Blessings!