Thursday, September 20, 2012

Magical Autumn Equinox and Mabon

Summer is leaving as the days are slowly growing darker. There is a chill in the air and a feeling of change taking place. The magical season of Autumn begins this Saturday September 22, 2012 on the Autumn Equinox when day and night are in balance.

After this equinox, days will start to grow darker and colder, as we head towards Winter Solstice. This is the darkest day of the year. The colors of the trees start to change now. The landscape becomes a beautiful palette of color before all the leaves fall off and trees prepare for Winter slumber.

The Autumn Equinox is a great time to reflect on balance and enjoy the season's beauty, as the sun enters Libra, the astrological sign of balance and beauty.

This is also the pagan sabbat of Mabon, the mid-harvest festival on the Wheel of the Year. The last harvest festival will be Samhain October 31, which also marks the end of the year and the beginning of the wheel in Celtic tradition.

Mabon is a pagan season of thanksgiving, when we can enjoy a good meal from our local seasonal harvest. This is a time to be thankful for the nourishment we have received from Mother Earth for this year's harvest. Mabon is also a great time to reflect on all that we are thankful for in our lives this year, and what we have been blessed with. We reflect on what we have harvested in our lives as well.

Some simple ways you can celebrate Mabon and the Autumn Equinox:

*Enjoy a delicious meal of locally grown seasonal food with family and friends. Say a meal blessing over your dinner with gratitude.

*Bake something for the Autumn season such as fresh bread or baked goods with pumpkin or apples.

*Take a nature walk and notice the changing season colors and enjoy nature's beauty.

*Reflect on balance and how to put  more balance back into your life.

*Write an Autumn Gratitude list.

*Write Thank You letters to people in your life this year you are thankful for.

*Do an Autumn Equinox meditation enjoying the energy of balance.

*Make Autumn crafts.

*Decorate your home for the season.

*Burn a candle scented with apple, cinnamon, or pumpkin enjoying the scent and warmth. 

*Volunteer your time or donate things like food to those in need

*Have an Autumn Equinox or Mabon ritual either in a group or as a solitary.

However you celebrate the beginning of the lovely Autumn season and Mabon, may is be a beautiful, abundant, blessed season for you!

Maeve Cliodhna MoonBird 

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