Sunday, January 29, 2012

Celebrating Imbolc with Celtic Goddess Brighid

Imbolc February 2 marks a mid point
between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.
The very beginning whispers of Spring begin
to show this month and we connect to the
hope the season of planting and blooming
will be here soon.

The days are starting be a bit longer
each day and we have a little more light.

Celtic Goddess Brighid is celebrated during
Imbolc. She is a goddess of healing and purification,
inspiration, creativity, and poetry. Brighid is
also keeper of the sacred flame and connected to
fire and guardian of the hearth.

This is a great time to connect to aspects
of the Goddess Brighid. Here are some ways
to celebrate Imbolc with her.

*You can do purification and healing rituals while
asking for Goddess Brighid's help and guidance.

*This is a great time to connect more to your
creativity and ask for Brighid's help in seeking

*Write a poem in honor of this great Celtic

*Read poetry that inspires you.

*Do some cleaning and purifying of your home's hearth.

*Light a candle on Imbolc or each day of February and
connect to Goddess Brighid for healing, purification, or creative
inspiration you need. You can make this part of your daily
ritual of meditation for the month.

*Contemplate on the idea of warmth and fire during this
cold time of year and the hope of light and warmth Brighid
brings with the whispers of Spring on Imbolc.

Many Bright Blessings!

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